Best Western Manor Hotel Solihull Wedding | Neeta & Vimal


We are back from the UK and it needless to say it was an excellent trip for us. We had the opportunity to document Neeta & Vimal’s Civil wedding one of the weekends which took place at the lovely Best Western Manor Hotel in Solihull. It was a gorgeous day and we started off with Neeta’s bridal preps. It was a perfect setting. She sat in her room by a door that opened into the backside of the hotel they had their wedding at and it was beautiful. It was a pleasure getting to know her better and we learnt how much she loves Bollywood music! She has been an absolute delight to photograph. She looked pretty in her Indian outfit and make up which was done by Parveen Kumari. This was followed by shooting with Vimal. He looked stunning. Their Civil Registry & Reception that day took place amongst their close family and friends. We witnessed some of the best speeches from Vimal’s brother, Priyesh and his best men. They had everyone in splits of laughter. There were moments of happiness and so much love that it made that evening a perfect one. They partied late into the night and we enjoyed shooting every bit of their wedding. We can’t wait to share more from their Hindu wedding. For now, we will let you get a glimpse of what we witnessed at their Civil through our images. Enjoy!